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For the past couple of weeks, my Developmental Psychobiology class visited the Hog Barn for lab. It was nice getting out of the computer lab and travel to theĀ outskirtsĀ of campus.

We covered our shoes to protect the pigs from our germs.

Professor Schank explained how to identify each individual pig.

Their ears have a combination of notches that sum up to a unique number. Their left ear represents which litter they belong to and their right ear represents which individual pig they are.

It was not the most pleasant smell but the piglets’ cuteness made up for it.

Each of us picked a piglet or sow to observe their activity levels. After all our data is complied, we will analyze the information to create a poster presentation in our lab groups – science fair style.

My piglet who I named “Spots” is in the back right.

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Hi! I'm Rachel and this is my life as an Aggie.